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Affordable Care Act and Beyond
The reform of the US healthcare system was aimed to be accomplished with the signing of the BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 Affordable Care Act or Obamacare in 2010. To recap, the two well-defined goals of ACA include; providing more access to and quality of healthcare. The employment of health insurance coverage by the Affordable Care Act, insurance market alteration, and Medicaid expansion was aimed at increasing the insurance coverage rate of the nation. Besides, the ACA has a host of effects and set up the pathway for other decrees and policies such as MACRA, which reauthorized Medicare and increased Medicaid coverage. The concept of value-based care was pivotal to MACRA’s endeavors at reorganizing payment mechanisms in this sector. In the year 2015, the Affordable Care Act created MACRA for improvement in the healthcare service delivery as well as the Quality of treatments offered to patients.
Sources Addressing the ACA
Brown, E. A., White, B. M., Jones, W. J., Gebregziabher, M., & Simpson, K. N. (2021). Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(1).
BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 Preventable hospitalization (PH) is one of the indicators of primary care use, which is looked into in this study concerning the ACA Medicaid expansion. This study into the ten effects resulting from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act for the improvement of quality and access to health care is derived from information gathered concerning eight of the states in the United States of America. The results of this study also highlighted that states that expanded their Medicaid program under the ACA had lower PH rates. ACA access enables patients to cost-effectively acquire medical services in a faster way. This means that funding of Medicaid status proportionally meant certain aspects of health care delivery had a link with lowered PH rates. The basic health care access indicators such as Medicaid funding, income eligibility and doctor reimbursement, has also been an issue of concern as stated in the report. Focusing on the effects of the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare on preventable readmissions, the study enriches the discussion on health insurance and public health policies.
BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 Qualified Health Canter
This paper examines the impact of ACA on FQHCs; which is an acronym for Federally Qualified Health Centers, they are healthcare facilities that cater to poor populations. The research was done with the aim of finding out the people’s attitudes after they have sought quality medical treatment using the Affordable Care Act. To understand the various ways in which the Affordable Treatment Act impacted the quality of treatment, the researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with administrators and staff from FQHCs. It was revealed that the Medicaid constituency might extend coverage to uninsured people instead of commercial health insurance. This is so because patients are able to gain access to medical treatment when they want it and hence are happier and healthier. One of the main goals of the ACA was the increase in the number of uninsured people with health insurance. The research has further noted the importance of extending health insurance coverage in order to improve the population’s capacity to seek and obtain proper health care services.
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This paper will review; ACA and healthcare disparities. The provisions of the ACA that are related to race and or SES disparities were of particular interest in the study. Currently, there has been great progress in access to healthcare and insurance in light of ACA after it was passed in 2010. Across the many facilities offering medical services comprehensively known as community health centers, a number of programs have been affected by the ACA for the purpose of enhancing the health of the patient. Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act improved Health fairness and civil rights in health care. This article focuses on how the act assiduously sought to reduce race and ethnic disparities in terms of utilization and the quality of healthcare services. Learn what constitutes as essential in the health systems, including insurance and usage of treatments; the article links ACA’s regulations to enhanced approaches to reducing inequalities.
Sources Addressing MACRA
Cheng, J., Kim, J., Bieber, S. D., & Lin, E. (2020). Four years into MACRA: What has changed? Seminars in Dialysis, 33(1), 26–34.
In this article, the opportunity provided by the MACRA in terms of increasing patient’s access to medical treatment is described. MACRA provides many payment models with APM and MIPS as an abbreviation for Merit-based Incentive Payment Systems. BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 anticipated care is made available to everyone under the model which makes healthcare services cheaper. Thus, consistent with the goal of promoting affordable quality healthcare delivery, MACRA sought to transition from fee-for-service payment to a value base. All the details about APMS which stands for value-based reimbursement are provided in the paper. It also considers how successful are those models as far as improving the quality of care and at the same time reducing costs. The goal of improving patient outcomes while at the same time reducing costs is in line with the subject area of improving the quality of health care. Notably, the research describes new, changes in healthcare policies and technologies that are based on value in contrast to fee-for-service delivery systems.
BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 Virginia’s HealthCare
The perceptions about MACRA in different primary care practices in Virginia’s healthcare setting are what this research is about. Learning which steps are required to implement change to the MACRA physician payment system was the purpose of the study. Response to the study involved seventy participants of which were healthcare workers in the research study. It is the intention of this study to increase the understanding of the challenges faced by primary care practices with a mid to small size due to the new payment model. Annex: The argument Attractiveness If the study reveals an improvement in IP satisfaction, then people will have easy access to care. From the results of the study, knowledge of policy implementation dynamics may be learned since it emanates from small and medium-sized clinics concerning the perception of quality incentives under MACRA.
Medicare Physician by BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1
Hence, the nature of the research is to analyze the previous Medicare physician reimbursement system with the possible aim of enhancing the quality of healthcare in rural hospitals. In general, health care accounts for 5 %. Working at a sustainable growth rate, 6% more. The main purpose of the study is to explore the budget implications of MACRA on rural hospitals. The paper also examines MACRA’s two payment tracks for physicians that both seek to enhance the quality of service. Healthcare cost and its impact on the patient are macro ideas that are in consonant with the objective of the study on the increasing costs of healthcare and the decrease in its quality. Compared with more established ones, problems that rural hospitals experience stem from lesser payments provided by the government. However, the remote hospital is in a position to deliver good patient care as a result of MACRA funding streams. It can therefore be said that the choice, availability, and cost of healthcare could be determined by policy and this present study contributes to the existing literature in that regard.
Impacts of the ACA and MACRA on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem
ACA Overview
According to the report enacted in 2010, the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama also known as Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. To cure the vices that have befallen the American BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 healthcare delivery system, legislators drew up what is widely referred to as Obamacare. The ACA aimed to improve the quality of care so that it could be extended to more people (Ercia, 2021). Pre-ACA Americans received unequal treatment and short-done doctors and hospitals included some of the issues they faced. ACA Bar: Part Four contains aspects of financial subsidies, health insurance planning, insurance coverage, and preemptive treatment. The goal of the Affordable Care Act was to improve people’s rates of health insurance to improve the quality of the lives of people without health insurance (McIntyre & Song, 2019).
MACRA Overview
In an attempt to make changes to the payment system, MACRA was instituted in the year 2015. To improve the health care efficacy and effectiveness MACRA is focusing on shifting the healthcare system from the disease-oriented fee-for-service model. The previous MACRA was the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) which was used in the annual payments revisions for the Medicare providers. The payments that Medicare makes to, particularly, physicians were restructured under MACRA. MACRA has two payment systems, MIPS and APM. In that context, MACRA was introduced to enhance patients’ prognosis and increase the concern of healthcare providers regarding the quality of care (Cheng et al., 2020).
Impact on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem
Currently, both the ACA and MACRA have shared objectives of improving the quality of care with an objective of transforming the health system. When it comes to giving value-based treatment ACA is more concerned with the issues of access than MACRA. BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 Accountable care, health care quality improvement, value-based care, care coordination, and innovation in payment strategies such as MIPS and APMs are the ACA core concepts that MACRA embraces. Gettel et al. (2021) state that the payment model can be more effective in delivering treatment at a low cost while enhancing the patient’s experience. There are still issues of inequality in health care that do not allow people to be treated fairly no matter how much some individuals try. For instance, inequality of insurance affects disparities in healthcare (Buchmueller & Levy, 2020).
There exist expectations that both ACA and MACRA will enhance community health in the future with the improvement of healthcare costs and the boosting of the effectiveness of initial diagnostic tests of early diseases all over the future. Partnership between providers is likely to occur in MACRA’s value-based care models thus improving the overall patient care coordination. There is a probability that upcoming healthcare reformation efforts will proceed from the sound ground created by ACA and MACRA. Cheng et al. (2020) suggest that MACRA’s tendency towards consumption of value-based care and APM may lead to the development of new payment models that improve the outcomes of patients. To enhance the capacity of community health in the future, governments should learn from the ACA focal point of preventive healthcare and community health.
Taking into account the information given about ACA and MACRA it can be pointed out that the future for the US healthcare system could be better. Meaningful use, care coordination, and health insurance coverage has been well promoted by ACA and MACRA for enhancing quality of care through value-based care incentives. BHA FPX 4003 Assessment 1 programs help to facilitate the access of medical care to the individuals and this usually leads to beneficial effects such as improved care arrangements. Nevertheless, enough efforts will be needed to address the existing challenges such as disparities in terms of both access and outcomes in the American context to ensure fairness of the advances made in the related sphere.
Brown, E. A., White, B. M., Jones, W. J., Gebregziabher, M., & Simpson, K. N. (2021). Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(1).
Buchmueller, T. C., & Levy, H. G. (2020). The ACA’s impact on racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage and access to care. Health Affairs, 39(3), 395–402.
Cheng, J., Kim, J., Bieber, S. D., & Lin, E. (2020). Four years into MACRA: What has changed? Seminars in Dialysis, 33(1), 26–34.
Ercia, A. (2021). BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1–9.
Gettel, C. J., Ling, S. M., Wild, R. E., Venkatesh, A. K., & Duseja, R. (2021). Annals of Emergency Medicine, 78(5), 599–603.
Kelley, E., Lipscomb, R., Valdez, J., Patil, N., & Coustasse, A. (2019). Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act and rural hospitals.
Lantz, P. M., & Rosenbaum, S. (2020). The potential and realized impact of the Affordable Care Act on health equity. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 45(5), 831–845.
McIntyre, A., & Song, Z. (2019). PLOS Medicine, 16(2), 1–3.
Soylu, T. G., Goldberg, D. G., Cuellar, A. E., & Kuzel, A. J. (2020). The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 33(6), 942–952.