
N 599 Module 5 Assignment Nursing Capstone

N 599 Module 5

In N 599 Module 5 Assignment Nursing Capstone, I decided to use a mixed research method with an emphasis on qualitative and quantitative data collection. This approach is most appropriate because it will facilitate a systematic understanding of the organizational environmental factors that influence the retention and satisfaction of LVN students. Including both qualitative and quantitative data allows us to analyze the circumstances students have to face and the success rates of the new approaches to teaching. Thus, the qualitative data gives an overview of what the students and faculty feel and think from their experiences, whereas the quantitative results show actual shifts in performance and satisfaction.

Detailed Steps of the Process

Description of the Reviewers or Participants

The stakeholders mainly involved in this project are the LVN students and instructors in our nursing school. In addition, nursing educators from other institutions were also involved with an aim of having outsiders. The students were selected in such a way that they included the learners who did their courses in institutions that have adopted the new teaching approaches. The faculty members who responded included those who taught the above mentioned courses regularly. The external nursing educators were selected based on their experience and their assessment and expertise.

Nursing 599 Module 5 N Capstone

The purpose was set to find out the effectuality of new approaches to teaching. It includes Point Care Click (PCC) electronic healthcare records and simulation-based learning for LVN students as well as to determine their impact on retention and satisfaction rates (Haas et al., 2021). The plan involved the pre and post-intervention stages where the data collected would be compared and analyzed for the effectivity of these techniques.

Initial Planning and Literature Review

We evaluated the literature about the use of technology in the learning process, as well as instructional improvements in nursing curricula. These plan enabled us to find the best practices and enhance our procedures according to this revaluation.

Development of Instruments for Data Collection

Surveys and interview questions were formulated in order to receive data from students and faculty members (Haas et al., 2021). N 599 Module 5 Assignment Nursing Capstone instruments were to provide qualitative feedback on the participants’ experience with the new teaching methods adopted. It also provides their overall satisfaction and perception of the program.

Data Collection

Questionnaires were distribute to the students and the faculty before the usage of the teaching plan of action and after they were introduced. From a sub-sample of participants, qualitative data was sought through follow-up interviews.

Data Analysis

The specially gathered quantitative data were then used to extract patterns and trends in the student retention ratio. It includes their performance in exams and tests, and their level of satisfaction. The data collected from the interviews were examine qualitatively to compare common features and understand key issues.

Reporting and Recommendations

These ideas were captured in the report here, and the recommendations section highlighted areas of study and possible enhancement of the program.

Development of an Instrument, Tool, or Method for Obtaining Feedback


Specifically, we created comprehensive questionnaires for student and faculty populations. Some of the questions that were asked in the student survey were on their level of satisfaction with the program, the degree to which they participated in the new teaching techniques, and generally how they benefited from the changes made (Haas et al., 2021). N 599 Module 5 Assignment Nursing Capstone areas of concern relating to the faculty survey included their perceptions of the performance of the students, the efficiency of the new methods, and their experiences during the implementation phase.


More elaborate information was sought by administering semi-structured interviews to some of the selected students and faculty members. The interview guide was comprised of some primarily global questions in order to ensure that the participants would elaborate on their experiences and offer their opinions and recommendations (Cant et al., 2023). We also had a interview with nursing educators from other schools to determine ways they overcome such issues and enhance their program’s branding.


Real-time assessments of the new teaching methods – or lack thereof – were made during classroom observations. These observations were useful in helping us get an idea of how these methods were being used and the receptiveness of the students.

Identification of Themes/Categories

Some of the key sub-themes that were identified in the data analysis phase of the research included the following:

Engagement and Interaction

Specifically, students and faculty members found that the new teaching methods led to more engagement and interaction among stakeholders (Dos Santos, 2020). Having PCC electronic healthcare records for the African students made the lessons more interesting and real in that it incorporated simulation-based lessons.

N 599 Module 5 Technological Challenges

It was observed that although the new methods were welcomed by the majority, some students and faculty struggled with the process of technologizing (Cant et al., 2023). This to some extent drew attention to the necessity for further training and resources.

Perceptions of Program Quality

This was a common theme regarding the issues of perceived quality and reputation. Readers pointed to the areas of the need to move for better sites and the need to get better acceptance in the general clinical setting (Garside et al., 2021).

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

A strong emphasis was placed upon the need for continuous communication and interaction between students and faculty. Conducted Focus Groups concluding that feedback sessions should be carried out frequently to enhance the program performance.


The mixed methods provided a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of new teaching strategies that were introduced in the LVN program. Self-administered surveys and key informant interviews were used alongside observation to assess the value of each of these approaches and indicate where improvements could be made. In particular, N 599 Module 5 Assignment Nursing Capstone has noted the advantages of the learning technology itself for students’ engagement and satisfaction with their program, as well as explored the issues and prospects of building the program’s brand and obtaining clinical placements for students. In the future, the recommendations from this project will help to enhance the plan for extending the stay rate and increasing the satisfaction of the LVN students to receive the best training and education possible.


Cant, R., Gazula, S., & Ryan, C. (2023). Predictors of nursing student satisfaction as a key quality indicator of tertiary students’ education experience: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 105806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2023.105806

Dos Santos, L. M. (2020). I want to become a registered nurse as a non-traditional, returning, evening, and adult student in a community college: A study of career-changing nursing students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5652. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17165652

Garside, J., Stephenson, J., Hayles, J., Barlow, N., & Ormrod, G. (2021). Explaining nursing attrition through the experiences of return-to-practice students: a mixed-methods study. British Journal of Nursing, 30(8), 490–496. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2021.30.8.490

Haas, O., Hutzler, M., Egginger, T. H., Maier, A., & Rothgang, E. (2021). Automating time-consuming and error-prone manual nursing management documentation processes. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, Publish Ahead of Print(3). https://doi.org/10.1097/cin.0000000000000790

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