
NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Policy Proposal

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Policy Proposal

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 mercy Medical Center’s patient care services have adopted the provision of high-quality care to its patients today. However, the recently available dashboard has pointed to a low score on benchmarks regarding the management of diabetes. The CSCs that the hospital needs improvement in include Hgb1Ac levels, eye examination, and foot examination. This proposal applies the best practices in the management of diabetes to improve these aspects of decreased benchmarks.

Need for Creating a Policy and Practice Guidelines

 From the CDC, it is revealed that 34 million citizens of the United States of America have diabetes while 88 million have prediabetes—failure to control diabetes results in the following complications (CDC, 2022). NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Diabetes has an impact on the heart and the kidneys that can necessitate kidney failure among diabetes patients; plus, the rate of foot ulcers among diabetes patients is three times higher, and incidences of amputations are also high. It also results in loss of sight, eye lens disorders or cataracts, and skin and teeth problems. People with diabetes should have their Hgb1Ac, eye, and foot check-ups to check their off-type and other complications. A surprising number of diabetic patients report that they either did not have enough eye and foot examinations or Hgb1Ac assessments done (Andes et al., 2019), suggesting the scope for policies that enhance the use of high-quality diabetes facilities.

Effects of Underperformance Benchmark

 These tests aid in checking the disease and monitoring its progress, and without these, it can cause diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, and foot ulcers (Marjorie, 2020). Healthcare policies can lead to a cutoff of funding or accreditation at the local, state, or federal level, depending on organizational performance, which affects the organization’s reputation. The consequences due to unawareness include higher rates of disease progression and overall worsening of potential complications, which may include death, loss of seeing ability, loss of limbs, development of kidney failure, and many others. This, in turn, leads to increased costs of health care, death rates, and poor quality of life among people with diabetes. Besides, poor performance in these areas weakens the confidence of the people in the penal system (Chireh et al., 2019).

Organizational Policy and Practice Guidelines

Therefore, the following evidence-based guidelines can be applied through work. For example, the Chronic Care Model (CCM) is an application of healthcare reform for individuals with a Chronic Illness such as diabetes. This acknowledges the role of health sector workers together with the patients and their families for better care and results. Thus, apart from CCM, several other guidelines could be applied to patients with diabetes. The DSME program, on the basis of teaching self-management, additionally offers individuals the education they need to handle their conditions (Imai et al., 2021). ADA annual standards and guidelines for screening and diagnosis, together with the guidelines for treatment and management. Specifically, the CDC has many guidelines regarding diabetes management and treatment. These guidelines include measures to tell, diagnose, monitor, and follow up diabetes (CDC, 2022b). The CDC encourages consulting with medical professionals to develop individualized plans.

Effect of Environmental Factors

Factors such as social background can significantly affect a given patient’s ability to conform to best practice guidelines. Poor best-completing propriety access for low-income patients leads to non-adherence challenges. Lifestyle and geographic location can also influence a patient’s condition, says Dr. Patient and staff education is paramount in disease management, as comprehensive knowledge from the patient and proper encouragement from healthcare personnel are needed to assist patients with diabetes in managing their illness and preventing or even avoiding the onset of complications (Fleming et al., 2019), which all refer to the causality of matters.

Evidence-Based Practices and Guidelines

Hence, NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Mercy Medical Center’s benchmark performance can be enhanced due to the application of evidence-based best practices. As for policy, it has to be stated that there is no justice in denying people quality and affordable healthcare. For these patients, mobility and funding can assist in accessing requisite health care (Boer et al., 2020). That is why cultural competence within a healthcare setting is essential if, in turn, patients are capable of comprehending and adhering to guidelines provided by the practitioners despite cultural disparities. Once more, education proves to be crucial because the presence of health literacy enhances benchmark results.

Practice Changes and Impact on Stakeholders

An accurate evaluation of the practice results of these changes is needed since all stakeholders should tell the truth. Outcomes measurement is essential in admissions, glycemic control, and patient satisfaction, where tracking is done. This also means workload, job satisfaction, patients, resources, and quality should also be measured (Rodrigues et al., 2020).

Stakeholders’ Involvement, Engagement, and Strengthening of Policy

Awareness of the stakeholders’ requirements enhances policy modification and practice adoption because of enhanced support (Powers et al., 2020). NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Stakeholders and groups also bring value to decision-making by reviewing the practice guidelines and making changes in the policies to reflect current research and practice. This makes task execution easier since it fosters cooperation and coordination, thus resulting in the implementation of comprehensive policies.

Strategies for and Importance of Collaboration with Stakeholders

Thus, the work with a stakeholder group and the implementation of a new policy call for meticulous preparation and planning. General recommendations also include defining who should be involved in strategy-making and implementation. Organizations that may be involved may consist of healthcare providers, patients or families, advocacy groups or organizations, and government groups or organizations. NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 fosters policy and guideline receipt acceptance, which enhances policymakers’ buy-in, thus enhancing commitment (Nolan et al., 2022). Trust is, therefore, critical in establishing good working relationships with the organizations and other stakeholders in the implementation process. This may contained by interacting with assertiveness, paying a lot of attention to the requirements and viewpoints of the other teams, and being receptive (Ryan et al., 2020). One of them is understood as an open presentation of information to stakeholders. Secondly, feedback on the changes and their consequences should be requested in order to involve the subject actively in the assessment procedure. There is a need for transparency and more revelations of feedback. Partnership and collaboration must be the key to goal implementation and problem-solving by the various stakeholders (Nagraj et al., 2019). Promotion of strategy, training, and support aimed at acknowledging the employees are crucial factors in its implementation. 

Importance of Stakeholders Collaboration

The most important criterion is that if there are recommendations concerning a policy and practice, they must be introduced with the help of all the stakeholders. This can be done by underlining that cooperation leads to better decision-making, increased responsibility, and compliance with both stakeholders’ necessities and objectives (Byrne, 2019). When it comes to stakeholder opinions, it increases the chances of our policy and practice recommendations being implemented in the future. Thus, it creates a better foundation when it comes to dealing with stakeholders.


 Thus, there is a need for cooperation among the interested parties to enact changes in policies and practices in the field of healthcare. Suppose one incorporates stakeholders and takes their opinions. In that case, chances are high that the policy and guidelines produced are backed and thus improve the sustainability of outcomes for the patient and his general health, the healthcare provider, and the community at large. NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 promising interventions derived from relevant studies should be utilized that would benefit all the stakeholders while supporting the effectiveness of stakeholder cooperation.


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