
NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5

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NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Creation of Policy or Procedure

With an emphasis on quality improvement, it is crucial to start with an end vision in mind. So far, you have conducted a background review of the practice problem and designed a clear and specific clinical intervention based on relevant scholarly literature to solve a patient safety issue. The next stage would be to introduce the given practice change and, subsequently, assess the change to possibly capture the impact of the practice change on the population of interest. Therefore, the next step towards the change will be to develop a policy since it will ensure the sustainability of the change. As a part of the journey, you will make significant discoveries that in the management of health care organization, you will use the steps of EBP as a mentor and a leader while using leadership evidence-based strategies or approaches that inform decision-making in your organizational system. NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 benefits that you possess skills and experience in the promotion and encouragement of evidence-based practices among the staff, providers, and other leaders will be tremendous when establishing and maintaining an evidence-based organization and culture.

Purpose of the Policy in an Introduction Paragraph

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Patient safety is equally important in all healthcare facilities, and there is one factor that plays a major role in patient safety, which is infections that are caused by the healthcare providers’ lack of proper hand hygiene. On the same note, there is a vigorous realization of the significance of observing standard hand-washing procedures, yet it remains a problematic area, creating a tendency toward the tendency of HAIs. This policy plans to tackle this alarming problem by instituting leaner, evidence-based measures in hand hygiene throughout the medical center. This policy was designed based on a research study, which includes Johnson et al. conducting a systematic review in 2020 proving that HAIs can be reduced through enhanced compliance with proper hand washing procedures. The revised PICOT question guiding this policy development is:

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 Research Question

In healthcare settings, how does the application of evidence-based hand hygiene compliance relative to conventional compliance reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated infection among patients? Based on the necessity of taking action in implementing this policy to decrease the risks of HAIs, increase patients’ protection and promote the optimum level of compliance with ICPs, it was deemed appropriate to assess the implementation of evidence-based hand hygiene compliance in supplementary to the conventional approach.

Population Affected by the Need

This policy immediately affects all the occupants of the medical center, which may comprise the health care providers, the employees and subordinates, the patients, and other visitors. There are no constraints in terms of age, medical condition, or the purpose of admission the target population of the study includes all the individuals cared for in the medical center. In order to develop an effective standard of practice for hand hygiene that will prevent the spread of infectious agents to patients and fellow healthcare workers, it is important that each and every one of these individuals follow through with the guidelines that have been put in place. This policy is not limited to particular groups because hand hygiene is the responsibility of every citizen and a necessary preventive measure to minimize the risk of infection for all patients and employees in the medical centre (Smith et al., 2021).

Definition Section that Explains all Industry Specific Roles, Terms, and Abbreviations

Hand hygiene is yet another basic process that is performed in most facilities that admit, treat or care for patients, and it mainly involves the thorough washing or use of antiseptic substances to eliminate microorganisms on the hands, thus preventing the spread of diseases in the healthcare facility. This covers the practice of washing hands with soap and water alongside the use of waterless hand sanitizers or alcohol-based hand rinses (World Health Organization, 2019). Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are diseases contracted by a patient during his or her stay in a healthcare facility as a result of contact with healthcare services. These facts about HAIs show that they are still a major threat to patient safety and can occur through exposure to pathogens during healthcare service delivery (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Infection control measures involve regularly washing one’s hands, and this is very important. Reduced adherence to hand hygiene measures increases the risk of transmission of the infections. Compliance means the level of practice of proper hand washing procedures and recommended infection prevention and control standards amongst patients, healthcare workers and all members of staff (World Health Organization, 2019).

Terms and Abbreviations by NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 

Prescribed measures are crucial in maintaining consistency in both the efficacy and implementation of measures against transmission in all departments and units of a medical center. These practices are set to provide order and efficiency concerning the hand hygiene standardized processes, therefore minimizing the possibility of HAIs (CDG, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Hand sanitizers are convenient and are mostly used in healthcare facilities and contain alcohol as an active compound, which eradicates a variety of viruses. CLTs are used as tools to supplement the washing with soap and water by hand, especially in case of non(visible) contaminated hands (World Health Organization, 2019). Although it is important for glove use in order to protect hands from contamination during patient care activities, glove use should not allow hand hygiene measures to be compromised. Gloves should be worn while handling or after washing hands as it is part of strict protocols to achieve high levels of hygiene (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020).

Creation of Policy or Procedure

A Policy Statement Including the Organization’s Declaration of the Plans and Intentions

The centre is committed to maintaining a culture of patient safety and quality care for all individuals. In this regard, we are developing and installing evidence-based hand hygiene protocols for quality improvement to respond to the high rates of healthcare infections (HAIs) as a patient safety issue. The proposed objective can be summed up by stating that our overarching aim is to implement and promote sound hand hygiene across all specializations and sections of the medical centre in order to minimise the rates of HAIs and protect the health of patients and medical staff.

This policy stems from some of the research best practices and is evidence-based since several studies show that appropriate hand washing can significantly decrease cross-contamination of pathogens and thus minimise HAIs (Johnson et al. , 2020). To fulfil these objectives, we will introduce and maintain strictly adhered healthcare practices of hand hygiene in accordant with the current recommendations in an attempt to make the healthcare setting safer for all individuals in the medical centre. NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 organization policy to follow the system and standards of quality in providing improved passage towards the objectives and safety of our patients. Hence, through advocacy for the use of the right methods in washing hands, we aim to prevent the incidence of HAIs, improve the condition of patients, and ensure that we offer quality services.

Plan that was Outlined in the Policy Statement

Identification of Stakeholders

In order to follow the guidelines highlighted in this paper, the initial step towards implementation is to identify stakeholders who are going to take an active role in the successful implementation of hand hygiene practices. These stakeholders include; Physicians, nurses, infection control specialists, cleaning crews, and hospital managers (World Health Organization, 2019). To the above list of stakeholders, it is imperative that each bring their perspective and responsibility towards the actualisation and maintenance of adherence to hand hygiene.

Education and Training

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 is equally important to ensure that education and training programs are offered in every aspect of the medical center to ensure that the requirements for hand hygiene are fulfilled. If these programs were to be developed, they should not only focus on the training of hand washing techniques but also place equal concern on the compliance of hand hygiene in eradicating HAIs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Members of the healthcare team and other staff should undergo training and their behavior should be changed in order to make them be always ready to use the skills in practice and understand why proper hand hygiene must be established and maintained.

Distribution of Hand Hygiene Supplies

It was found that it is basic for the supplies used in hand hygiene to be available in adequate quantities in order to sustain proper adherence to hand hygiene measures. This involves making sure that adequate stock of provisions, including soap, water, alcohol-based hand rubs, disposable towels, and gloves, is available at certain strategic places within the medical centre at all times (World Health Organization, 2019). Appropriate supply chain management is key to guaranteeing access to sufficient hand hygiene resources for all possible users within healthcare organizations, and it includes routine assessments regarding supply stock and timely restocking when necessary.


In conclusion, NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 5 culture of evidence-based policies and procedures is squarely necessary in an effort to enhance efficiency of patient safety and quality of the health facility. The medical center as part of the effort to enhance patient safety because of HAIs, will seek to develop a hand hygiene policy to incorporate standardised preventive measures supported by existing evidence and guidelines. It is crucial to educate and train all of the key stakeholders of the medical centre, ensure that necessary supplies are accessible across the entire facility and put adequate monitoring and compliance protocols into place so that the medical centre can create the best hand hygiene culture possible. The processes of monitoring and evaluation and the notion of constitutive improvement are essential elements of maintaining the effectiveness of the principles and strategies involved in hand hygiene, as well as controlling and preventing HAIs for the long term. In this way, the medical centre can better document, review, and assess the individual potential for improvement and make further changes to hand hygiene as necessary for the continued support of results in favour of patient safety.


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