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PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 Cognitive Psychology Paper
From these differences, one needs to discover how to effectively teach that particular unique learner and help him or her to grow. Among the various theories, that have been formulated in an attempt to explain these differences, the theory that is relevant to this work is PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory which seeks to explain how different patterns of cognitive abilities affect the way people perceive information and learn. Each of them believes that learners have different kinds of intelligences including linguistic, logical-mathematical, and spatial determining their learning styles and abilities (Gardner, 2019).
New studies have also gone further to establish the transferability of this theory in other learning environments and have given a clue on how teachers can effectively teach diverse students (Smith & Jones, 2020, Thompson 2021). Therefore the purpose of this paper is to assess the validity of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences based on the available literature. In this paper, three peer-reviewed articles will be used to review how the theory affects learning processes, examine the research approaches used in the articles, and consider the opportunities offered by the theory for the analysis of individual differences and their shortcomings.
Theory or Model that Addresses Learning Processes
Multiple Intelligences Theory, conceptualized by Howard Gardner in 1983, is designed to challenge the conventional concept of intelligence suggesting that human belongs to different types of intelligence. Thus, Allan Gardner (2019) explains that they include linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, physical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and ecological. Each type of intelligence is in fact a different manner of dealing with the environment. For PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 instance, linguistic intelligence is characterized by a good command of language and is exhibited by writers and speakers while logical-mathematical intelligence deals with problem-solving and analytical abilities demonstrated by mathematicians and scientists.
One group is spatial intelligence which deals with the ability to understand objects in relation to other objects and this is an important aspect in architects and artists. According to Gardner’s theory on multiple intelligences, the conventional teaching approaches that only incorporate linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence may be of less effective in catering to the learning requirements of every child. However, he defines a teaching approach that is different for each learner, which will cover several intelligences to help in learning by more impartial means (Smith & Jones, 2020).
Examples to Illustrate
Problems such as students’ achievement, mistakes, and misunderstandings are connected with learning theory known as the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to a great extent as it claims that students should learn in a way that is distinct and corresponds to their strong side. For instance, based on Smith and Jones (2020) elementary school teachers who used lesson plans that embraced multiple intelligences noted a drastic change in students’ participation and understanding of lessons. For instance, one of the students who exhibited a high level of spatial intelligence was having difficulty in doing geometry that was taught by linguistic mode of instruction.
PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 Exposed Notation
Yet, as soon as the teacher began to use bits of clay and other tangible objects as well as sketches, the previously exposed notions were best understood by the learner. This example is consistent with Gardner’s approach, an approach that suggests that students learn more when their learning profiles are applied. In a similar manner, Thompson (2021) observed that for students who had a high level of musical intelligence, knowledge of music theory was better understood when the instructor used rhythm and melodies in teaching concepts that are abstract in nature. Such examples show how teachers can improve learning achievements to accommodate a number of intelligences in a classroom so supporting the applicability of Gardner’s theory into actual setting.
Research Methods
The research methods utilized in the studies by Smith and Jones (2020) and Thompson (2021) were a combination of qualitative and quantitative research paradigms that were appropriate for the research questions that were used in the studies as they sought to understand the influence of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences on learner achievement. In a cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative data collection, (Smith and Jones,2020) used direct observations and interviews with the teachers as well as pre and post-tests to sample and measure students’ engagement and understanding. By using this approach of involving different methods, the researchers were able to capture all or most of the outcomes of the tailored instruction, as well as the perceptions of the teachers and students, which made it a rich method for purposes of understanding the effects of multiple intelligences on learning the real world.
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That is why pre- and post-tests helped to quantify performance results and identify the effectiveness of certain strategies because of interviews and observations. In like manner, (Thompson, 2021) adopted a case study research design to investigate on the application of multiple intelligences theory to music education. Due to the fact that Thompson used a micro-analytical approach concentrating on a single classroom, the author was able to offer a broad picture supplemented by a detailed description of how musical intelligence was applied by means of rhythm and melody. The use of case studies was relevant in the context of this study as it enabled an extensive analysis of thePSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 instructional approaches in relation to the students. The research methods used in both studies were appropriate in establishing the appropriateness of Gardner’s theory since they incorporated both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques that enhanced the validity of the findings.
Strengths and Limitations
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences has some advantages that put it among the most effective tools for interpreting students’ variation. This is actually one of its key advantages: its acknowledgment of learning styles that exist in people beyond the simple and widespread intelligence quotients that encompass language logic and mathematics. This broader point of view enables teachers to choose effective individual teaching approaches and learning styles, as evidenced by Smith and Jones (2020) studies that indicated that the adoption of multiple intelligences into classroom teaching enhanced students’ learning abilities and interests. The theory also promotes the students’ liberalization by acknowledging the uniqueness that boosts their capabilities and motivates them to learn. However, the theory that exists has some drawbacks.
PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 Intelligence Unique Entities
The authors have found that the availability of related data for each of the types of intelligence defined by Gardner does not contain evidence to support the differentiation of these types of intelligence as unique entities, but rather indicates that what is identified as PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 multiple intelligences can be explained by a single general cognitive factor (Visser et al., 2021). Moreover, the theory may be difficult to apply in practice, because educators have to know several methods of teaching and often it is not very easy for them to provide students with the necessary materials for proper learning. Nevertheless, the use of the theory continues to be defended by the potency in dealing with the complexity of students’ learning needs as established by the research on educational impacts exhibited by the design of the theory in classroom practice (Thompson, 2021). Hence, although the Theory of Multiple Intelligences may need more empirical data to support the theory, MI has interesting positive characteristics making it effective in individual approaches as well as integration into education.
Self Evaluation
Criteria 1:A theory or model that deals with learning processes about individuals, work groups, and organizations.
In this context, I think that I performed to the best of my capability at the Distinguished level. In my paper, I offered a clear description of both Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple intelligences and learning processes associated with the theory. I provided a clear description of each type of intelligence and how it correlates to how people learn. To be specific I backed my discussion with recent literature to make my points accurate and current. The depth of the explanation and citations used in the assignment correspond to my explanation and fulfill the requirements of academic writing while showing that I have a clear understanding of the theory in question and its relationship to the learning process.
Criterion 2: Use examples in the theory or model in order to demonstrate one’s effect on learning
As for this criterion, I would assess myself as Proficient. I also gave examples from recent studies to show the real-life implications of the Theory of PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2 Multiple Intelligences in learning. These examples showed how different intelligences can be targeted in a way that makes the students more interested and helps them perform better. As a result, despite some of my arguments being persuasive, I must admit that the absence of more varied examples from the educational setting could have been the weakness of the paper. I could have added other research studies in order to offer a deeper picture as to how and when the theory applies and how successful it is during learning in different contexts.
Criterion 3: Explain the approaches to research utilized in the sources cited and critique them.
I am certain that my level of the Distinguished criteria was achieved in this activity. In detail, I explained how the studies were conducted by Smith and Jones (2020) employing a mixed-methods approach and the case study method conducted by Thompson (2021). I also gave a critique of these methodologies in the context of the preferability of analyzing the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. To provide the strengths and the weaknesses of the research methods, I took the effort to incorporate different sources of information. All in all, this scholarly and critical analysis shows a proper level of understanding of the roles that the methodologies play in fulfilling the research objectives and conclusions.
In conclusion, PSYC FPX 3500 Assessment 2, analyzing Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, one can note that such an approach really helps to analyze the key differences in learners’ abilities. The elaboration of the different categories of intelligence such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and natural; underlines the different ways students can learn and think. The examples from recent studies support this idea, as prolonged use of this theory in a learning context has been found helpful in increasing students’ performance and motivation due to the fact that the instruction is differentiated based on children’s profile of abilities. With the focus on inclusive education and the ability to reach out to different learners with learning difficulties, there are a few drawbacks to the theory.
Various criticisms have been made on the empirical evidence of the notion of distinct intelligences and the difficulties of using multiple methods of instruction have been pointed out. Nonetheless, based on evidence that suggests that it is possible to generate more interesting and inclusive classroom environments, the theory continues to be applied. The choice of the research methodologies employed in the reviewed studies, including mixed methods and case studies, has been useful, though, further research could enhance the understanding of the limitations of the theory and expand the ways of applying it in other educational settings.
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