
NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Diversity Project Kickoff

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3

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NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Diversity Project Kickoff would be going over are: The issues that I would be going over are:

  • Members of the Diversity Project and relevance of the project
  • Project Goals
  • Team Composition
  • Committee Role
  • It’s, therefore, necessary to plan on how it can be improved
  • Characteristics of an Inclusive Workforce
  • Advantages of Workplace Diversity & Real-World Case Studies

Lakeland Medical Clinic Requirment

 Therefore, based on the above findings, Lakeland Medical Clinic requires a diversity project to ensure it offers a professional and safe environment for not only the staff members but also the patients, enhancing their experience and satisfaction. Diversity initiatives make everyone, from those of color to females or people with disabilities, feel equal and included in a company. They empower the team members and the patients, which makes them feel confident.

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Boost Financial Outcomes

 Studies prove that diversity actually helps boost financial outcomes and improves the standards of caring for patients (Gomez & Bernet, 2019). It was also observed that the financial position of the care centers was enhanced with diversified projects. At the same time, the patients stated that they were more satisfied with the diversified care teams offered to them. The productivity of the organization increases, and this goes a long way in making the return on investments better (Gomez & Bernet, 2019). The significant relationship between efficient communication and risk assessment leads to better health of the persons involved. A diverse environment eliminates any conflict resulting from organizational change, as pointed out by Gomez and Bernet (2019). In the case of diversity projects, it would be easier to reach such a goal since all the members have the impression that they are included and considered so that they can contribute with the resources they have.

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Strategic Imperative and Objective

 The first strategic imperative and objective of this diversity work plan are to ensure that all the parties and people of the organizational structure are considered when making decisions. All achievements and losses should be transmitted and discussed within the organization to enhance the intricacies and deviations of the organization’s diversity. This is also achieved to ensure that diversity and inclusion are core values of the organization, thus firmly establishing the organizational culture and the goals of the organization (Stanford, 2020).  To this end, there is a call for a concept of inclusive leadership for the staff to be motivated and engaged. Thus, the most suitable type of leadership would be transformation, which directs the staff or individuals involved. Leadership patterns enable the accomplishment of numerous objectives, for example, engaging staff involvement, recruiting people from different fields and levels, and addressing conflict with positive behaviors (Bradley, 2020). NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 strategies formulated at this point involve the following assumptions: The members of the group would be cooperative with no communication barriers, which would have a positive influence.

Lakeland Medical Clinic

 In NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 diversity project, the members of the ‘‘Lakeland Medical Clinic’ of the case would comprise all the decision-makers and other significant actors in the work setting. It would include nurses, doctors, and other working staff of the administration, who are the formal business staff of the clinic. The other team members would be the senior management, which involves nursing leaders or managers, the administrators of the hospitals, the chief of medicine, other departments, and board members. These members may need to form a special committee to assess the statistics on the ethnicities of the staff. Once the issues have been worked on, a weekly meeting can be held to come up with a definite plan. Such a plan would help to introduce the change with due contemplation and, hence, discussions. They would include all the staff members, chiefs, and leaders, and all their thoughts and opinions would be listened to.

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3

Healthy debate on the diversity project

The function of the committee is to ensure that there is a healthy debate on the diversity project where all the members of the organization are involved. It could be had as a component of the plan for the recruitment and selection of members of staff with proven sensitivity to cultural differences. The other discussions would call for a diversity of people in the organization in terms of age, gender, ethnic origin, religion, and culture. The committees should also ensure that diversity is reflected in that regard and that intolerant staff members do not hinder smooth communication within the institution. The committee is committed to ensuring that there are no incidences of prejudice or unfair treatment in the organization. To support the culture of safety, it is necessary to increase the level of employees’ awareness of the issues related to inclusion and diversity.

Interprofessional relationships

 Thus, the flow of Interprofessional relationships implies that there should be appropriate channels of communication among the healthcare providers and that the process should be continuous and seamless. NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 communication will help in the development of the right teams, as well as in interaction with other people. A framework of competencies can be followed, such as Sunnybrook core competencies, which are reported in the literature and are meant to support hospitals in enhancing advanced interprofessional collaboration (McLaney et al., 2022). It enhances the delivery of care because patient-centered care is delivered. Such frameworks and staff training can lead the organization to collaboration, which would assist in proper decision-making (McLaney et al., 2022). The general idea is that several workshops can be conducted every month with the goal of starting communication between the staff members and to make different members know one another.

Diversity for an organization’s

Diversity for an organization’s employees can be defined as the integration of several employees with different backgrounds, which is one of the features of an employing firm’s robust workforce. An inclusive workforce thus would have access to the resources, which would add value to the services rendered. They would feel that the organization belongs to them, that they are part of it, and that they are heard in any decision-making process that is ongoing in the organization (Hamill, 2019). An inclusive workforce would also be characterized by persons who are accorded dignity because of the service and skills they are offering despite their status. Their individuality and Diversity would be embraced and valued(Hamill, 2019). The workforce would also be more diverse, and there would be close relations between each other, and people would promote diverse ideas by working together with the help of collaboration (Hamill, 2019). All the employees would have a sense of relevance, and they would think that they have many chances for advancement in the organization.


In NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Diversity inclusion gains the trust of the employees and makes them improve their performance due to the appreciation they receive from the company. Negatively, It respects everyone’s diversity and lets the staff demonstrate their potential while being safe. Two typical medical organizations that are able to employ disabled people are Rush Medical University and Christus Health Facility. In fragmentation, Christus Health is a healthcare facility in operation in the USA; it has minority community members taking Thirty-Six percent of its members and female staff taking about Forty-Six percent. About 47. Group entrée analysis revealed that 6% of leaders are people of color (Crain Communications, Inc., 2022). Telehealth has also been deployed by Christus Health so that any minority group will be able to access healthcare services. It has also established other offices’ Executive Minority Fellowships to enhance the leadership of associates through various promotions and hiring of associates (Crain Communications, Inc., 2022). Contrarily, Rush University serves as its student and faculty’s mission and vision of there being equal and inclusion where all the students and faculties, regardless of their diversity, will be embraced.



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