
BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Interdisciplinary Presentation of Evidence-Based Recommendations

BHA 4020 Assessment 4

Problem Statement

            In the United States of America, BHA 4020 Assessment 4 opioid abuse is a current and severe public health issue which has raised much concern (Dydyk et al. , 2022). This has led to a lot of suffering and a rather alarming number of people having to be readmitted back into the hospital. Opioids are addictive substances and the problem of their consumption is acute in the United States. SAMSHA (2019) has estimated that about 10. This encompasses both the legal ones such as heroin and the prescription ones such as pain killers. Another terrible aspect of drug abuse is that individuals are taken back to the hospital so often. Patients who are addicted to opioids are likely to be readmitted to the hospital as compared to those who are not addicted. Thompson et al. , (2019) tried to determine the readmission rates of the opioid-addicted patients and they noted that the readmission rate was 25 percent within the first 30 days. This is much different from the general mortality rates of other ailments in the medical field. Also, frequent readmissions for drug addicts are not only alarming because they occur frequently, but they are also very expensive. Peterson et al. identified that drug-related hospital readmission was expensive to the US healthcare system to an extent of $13 in 2021. 2 billion each year.

The Unit of Measurement and Factors Examined

             This problem is defined by the frequency of encounters of patients with opioid addiction in hospitals in a given period, which is usually 30 days. It also examines the fatalities that occur in every 100,000 due to drug-related incidents which include different forms of opioids. Some of the factors include; the severity of the addiction, the characteristics of the individual affected, whether he or she has other mental illnesses, the effectiveness of the treatment programs, change in care and accessibility of treatment.


It is therefore necessary to establish what the corresponding normality levels are for drug abuse so that treatment effectiveness can be gauged. According to the CMS, as many as one in every four opioid users will be readmitted to the hospital within a month. This rate is much higher than the average rate of other medical conditions (AHRQ, 2018). This way, return rate can be compared to the following standards to assess performance of healthcare professionals. Thus, through seeking results below the norms, they can enhance the quality of care of patients and try to find a better way of combating drug abuse.

BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Literature Review: Key Findings

 Many researches have established that patients who are on opiates are likely to be readmitted at an alarming rate. Barocas et al. (2020) for instance established that persons with opioid use disorder were readmitted at a rate of up to 35% within 30 days upon discharge. Similar to this, Dewan et al. (2022) found that those who were admitted due to opioids as compared to others were more likely to be readmitted within 60 days of being discharged. The fact of the matter is that a large number of patients are admitted in facilities for drug-related issues and this puts a lot of pressure on the healthcare system. These are the main causes of the high rate of return for patients suffering from drug addiction. One major factor that is attributed to this is the difficulty in treating opioid use disorder particularly the difficulty in abstaining from taking drugs. Moreover, co-morbidity of depression and anxiety has been found to increase the likelihood of return in this group of patients as revealed by research (Everett et al. , 2022). When patients with drug abuse have high return rates is a big problem. Regarding healthcare, the frequency of readmissions only increases the expenditures, overloads the system, and complicates the treatment of other patients. Also, being readmitted more than once can imply that the drug issue is not being handled appropriately, and thus, better solutions and treatment options are required.

Data Presentation

This will imply that for every patient under Medicare, they will receive an average of 0. 43% less money. The following table shows the detailed classification of fines that were imposed, and the data included patients who were discharged in the last three years.

 The results of the study by Charilaou and colleagues (2020) are summarized in the table below; the study involved 189,585 cases. Among the total 188,094 patients, 6,589 (3. 5%) were detected with OUD. BHA 4020 Assessment 4 patients included in the study were mainly male (57. 5%), and the mean age of the patients was 48 years. 7 years.


OUD Patients

Total Patients


Percentage of OUD Patients


Mean Age

48.7 years



– Male


– Female


Length-of-Stay (days)


Mean Index Hospitalization Costs ($)


30-Day Readmission Rate


OUD Patients Re-admission Rate (30-day period)


Pancreas-Related Readmissions


Aggregate Readmission Costs ($)

$23.3 ± 1.5 million

Data Presentation 2

             The most expensive one is death that is estimated to be $253. 30 billion. This depicts how opioid related deaths influence the health care sector, funerals and the economy. With $204. With 6 billion dollars, healthcare costs are not far behind, which proves the pressures that treatments and cure put on the system of healthcare. Additionally, the shocking $95. 70 billion regarding lost productivity indicates the severe consequences of scenario under consideration, which is drug addiction that leads to people’s inability to perform a job efficiently. The criminal justice system spends a lot of resources on $38. 80 billion to help put a halt on the increase in the number of crimes related to opioids. $33. To support children and families affected by the crisis in a kind and meaningful way, at least 40 billion dollars has to be spent. This clearly demonstrates how desperate people are for cash to help them get rid of their suffering. The $20 billion that is being disbursed on education only goes on to show the importance of prevention and knowledge based programs in relation to the growing drug menace. BHA 4020 Assessment 4 relevant facts about scholarly data are combined with real life situations to illustrate the need for coming up with definite solutions in the shortest time possible to reduce the costs, save lives, and enhance future health (McCarthy, 2019).

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Comprehensive Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) Programs

This means that as a part of their strategy to reduce the rates of relapse among drug addicts, organizations should ensure that they provide comprehensive MAT programs. This is in line with the group’s mission of offering care that is evidence-informed and the emphasis made on enhancing the health of patients (Deyo-Svendsen et al. , 2020). This is why it is recommended that all treatment programs should incorporate drugs such as buprenorphine, methadone, or naltrexone as they help in the reduction of withdrawal symptoms, cravings and other related issues. BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Ensuring that one is able to receive MAT services and then to monitor and support them is part of the current treatment programs that relates to the group’s aim of providing comprehensive care to opioid dependents  (Deyo-Svendsen et al., 2020).

BHA 4020 Assessment 4

Improve Care Continuity through Care Transitions

In order to reduce the cases of readmissions in organizations, approaches that aim at offering patients with drug addiction a consistent care as they transition from one level of care to another should be enhanced. In this regard, the organization’s mission of patient-focused care and highlighting the importance of teamwork (Krawczyk et al. , 2023) is in tune with this. This way, organizations can ensure that people can transition between different stages of treatment smoothly since the doctors, drug specialists, and community support groups can communicate with each other. To do this, some of the possible actions which can be taken include; enhancement of processes, use of technology in information sharing and ensuring that follow-up appointments and tracking of drugs occurs within a short time. BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Ensuring that patients receive continuous support, counseling, and information in the course of their care as the patient transitions through different levels of care enhances the organization’s objective of avoiding readmissions and encouraging proper recovery (Krawczyk et al., 2023).

BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Comprehensive Relapse Prevention Programs

To combat the factor of high readmissions linked with drug abuse, organizations can develop and implement entire programs that would help individuals from being readmitted. This is consistent with the concept of encouraging long-term recovery and the notion that organizations feel that patients should be empowered. BHA 4020 Assessment 4, providing patients with drug addiction methods of coping with stress and preventing relapse, organizations can assist in keeping patients in treatment and reduce the likelihood of needing to be readmitted to the hospital. This is because the organization wants to enhance patients’ outcomes while fostering a healthy community, thus aligns with the provision of patient and/or family education and support, as well as material  (Guenzel & McChargue, 2019).

The Rationale for the Execution of Evidence-Based Recommendations

Various recommendations have been given in the scholarly literature to reduce the high rates of readmission in drug addiction and these suggestions are evidence-based and have details that prove that they are effective. Unfortunately, when drugs are taken in conjunction with counseling and other behavioral therapies, patients’ outcomes are improved, and the likelihood of recidivism and readmission is greatly diminished (Deyo-Svendsen et al. , 2020).

 According to Tyler et al. (2019), one of the measures that may help to reduce the readmission rate is to continue applying the treatment plan while changing the care setting. BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Improving patient outcome, decreasing the readmission rates, and reducing reinstitutionalization have been associated with improved interdisciplinary approaches and communication and coordination of care across levels. Several researches underline the significance of the care’s continuity. This can be so due to the fact that individuals transfer knowledge, are on the same treatment regimen, and have follow up visits within no time (Tyler et al. , 2019).

 As for the academic periodicals, they have also paid much attention to studying and describing the programs that prevent relapse. Some of these are therapy, support groups and counseling and these ensure that patients do not get readmitted to the hospital or even if they do, it is not as frequent (Guenzel & McChargue, 2019). Opioid addicts can identify the things that lead to their addiction and find ways of dealing with the urge without these programs, which address the psychological aspect of substance dependency. This reduses the likelihood of the patient being readmitted to the hospital (Guenzel & McChargue, 2019).


         Last but not the least, BHA 4020 Assessment 4 high rate of drug addiction re-admission, ideas based on data for their treatment prove that it is crucial to address this issue thoroughly. From the given data, one can understand that drug abuse impacts the readmissions to the hospitals in terms of their frequency and costs. The literature review on evidence-based treatments shows that there is need for the improvement of patients’ outcomes and in reducing the rate of readmissions.


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AHRQ. (2018). Hcup-Us.ahrq.gov. https://hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb278-Conditions-Frequent-Readmissions-By-Payer-2018.jsp

Dewan, K. C., Zhou, G., Koroukian, S. M., Petterson, G., Bakaeen, F., Roselli, E. E., Svensson, L. G., Gillinov, A. M., Johnston, D., & Soltesz, E. G. (2022). The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 114(5), 1569–1576. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.athoracsur.2022.02.045

Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 11. https://doi.org/10.1177/2150132720931720

Dydyk, A. M., Jain, N. K., & Gupta, M. (2022, June 21). Opioid use disorder. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK553166/

 Heliyon, 8(10), e10784. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10784

Guenzel, N., & McChargue, D. (2019, December 8). Addiction relapse prevention. Nih.gov; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551500/

McCarthy, N. (2019, October 21). Infographic: The financial cost of America’s opioid crisis. Statista.com. https://www.statista.com/chart/19696/estimated-cost-of-the-us-opioid-crisis/

Peterson, C., Li, M., Xu, L., Mikosz, C. A., & Luo, F. (2021). Assessment of annual cost of substance use disorder in US hospitals. JAMA Network Open, 4(3), e210242. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0242

SAMHSA. (2019). Samhsa.gov. https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/cbhsq-reports/NSDUHNationalFindingsReport2018/NSDUHNationalFindingsReport2018.pdf

Thompson, H. M., Hill, K., Jadhav, R., Webb, T. A., Pollack, M. H., & Karnik, N. S. (2019). The substance use intervention team: A preliminary analysis of a population-level strategy to address the opioid crisis at an academic health center. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 13(6), 460–463. https://doi.org/10.1097/adm.0000000000000520

Tyler, N., Wright, N., & Waring, J. (2019). BMC Health Services Research, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4658-0

Vankar, P. (2022). Hospitals punished for high readmissions U.S. FY2023. Statista.com. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1278321/number-of-us-hospitals-medicare-punished-for-high-readmissions/

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