
MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Leadership Communication Strategy

MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4

Leadership Communication Strategy

To stay cutthroat on the lookout, organizations should have the option to conform to a dynamic, changing, and multifaceted climate that is impacted by both inward and outer sources. Changes in the commercial center will expect the board to confront the close-to-home results of these movements and overcome obstructions like those they face. This is because moving conditions can set off dread or stress in individuals who think about the course of progress a pivotal component of their lives. To vanquish the difficulties, powerful pioneers utilize their feelings to effectively and morally lead people in their space of impact to impact change and conquer resistance.

In this private manual for administration, we will talk about the meaning of having the capacity to understand anyone on a deeper level (EI) with regard to the authority cycle. MHA FPX 5012 assessment 4 Administration Correspondence Methodology plan techniques for driving that depend on research-based strategies to foster a picture of authority that is special, as well as inspecting the approaches to driving. Monetary outcomes estimates can impact how we approach driving, as well as how the way that pioneers lead is attached to the objectives and standards of an association, as well as the morals of the direct of expert and individual life are additionally tended to.

Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity to perceive the impact of your emotions and those of your friends’ (Institute to Improve Human Health and Potential, n.d.). The idea was developed by the team that comprised Salavoy and Mayer in 1990. It was later standardized around the period of Golman, who was released during the year. EI does not just acknowledge the impact that emotions have on our behaviors and affect behavior towards our interactions with others; however, it is the most efficient way to control their impact in a way that they do not cause obstacles to the objectives of your company (Issah (2018 )). In developing leadership, EI is considered an essential instrument for successful leadership (Center for Leadership and Creativity Development n.d.). It is an idea described as part of five parts of self-regulation: emotional intelligence (self-motivation), self-regulation, and social skills (Issah 2018, and. ).

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Self-awareness is considered one of the fundamentals of emotional intelligence, which comprises confidence in oneself, self-awareness, and the capacity to laugh at oneself (as stated in the piece written by Issah in 2017). A confident leader has the capability of increasing the confidence of their staff to be able to make decisions despite concerns or concerns that employees might display. This allows leaders to identify the abilities needed to achieve their objectives and be able to overcome obstacles. They choose methods that motivate them and their colleagues and implement these tactics to see the desired results.

MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Leadership Communication Strategy

Self-regulation allows leaders to regulate and reorient destructive emotions or uncontrollable behaviour. They depend on their perception of others and then analyze the outcomes before deciding. This results in a practical, credible leader who is open to changes, reliable, and safe from uncertainty. This creates a culture that’s tolerant of changes, provides a competitive edge to a company, reduces the chance of conflict at work, and aids in forming a united group. The team members tend not to be engaged in an unorthodox manner and are more likely to seek out help before or after making mistakes that may have adverse effects (Issah (2018)).

Self-motivated leaders (self-management) are driven with a precise determination to achieve and meet their goals by focusing on an energizing method that differs from the accomplishment of their organization or monetary reward. Self-motivated managers are aware of their colleagues’ motivations and provide all support and tools necessary to accomplish their objectives. They are proficient at guiding their employees to achieve their objectives in transforming their outcomes (Issah (2018)).

Environmental Trust for Worker

Empathy is the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another. Compassionate people understand the different demands of people and can be the best listeners. This results in a better relationship that enables executives to spot the signs of fatigue offer support in the event of personal difficulties and create an environment of trust for the workers who handle these issues (Center of Leadership and Innovation, n.d.). The group members are aware that the person with empathy has been able to understand their point of view before suggesting solutions and most likely accepts the suggestions without hesitation (Issah, 2018, as well as Trastek and a handful of others. (2014)).

The Role of Interpersonal Relations in Effective Social Leadership

It is often referred to as the managing of interpersonal relations. Highly competent social leaders communicate well and can express changes needed in a manner that motivates others to agree with their views. With transparency and honesty, the leader creates a platform where those affected by proposed changes can take a look and express their viewpoints to reach an agreement about a resolution. If they do not allow for a dialogue free of barriers open to all participants, their relationships do not develop. Adjustments are not as successful (Issah in the year 2018). 

The components that comprise emotional intelligence are crucial since changes across various areas are inevitable. Leaders must consider Each strategy to mitigate the adverse outcomes and get the most significant benefits of changes. However, they should use the tools that can help them determine their level of emotional intelligence. Additionally, they should benefit from learning programs to enhance those areas where they are not skilled in becoming leaders (Issah 2018, p.). If they follow this advice, they are certainly prepared to tackle the challenges posed by changes within the healthcare sector and in the context of their life. Emotional intelligence is a device that can be employed with other leadership strategies that have proven successful in difficult situations.

Evidence-Based Leadership Strategies

Stress caused by stressful conditions is commonplace in the medical profession and has the potential to end life or death. In order to reduce risks that come with this type of situation, leaders use methods based on data, such as planning and organizing, to ensure they can align their actions with the goals of their companies (Stetler and coworkers). 2014. ). The foundation of an evidence-based leader is their ability to resolve issues by combining the most trustworthy evidence with the views of stakeholders to achieve the desired outcome (as stated by Melnyk & Raderstorf, 2019). In order to make these things happen, an organization’s culture must be vision-driven and operate in a vision-driven way.

Along with the method of organization and plan, Miller (2019) suggests that management remain patient and wait until they can act. They should also develop and evaluate strategies that will guarantee peace during times of crisis. The strategy of waiting to act invites managers to pause taking action during times of emergency until they have evaluated their actions and developed a plan of action. This approach minimizes the risk of an action leading to an even more serious situation.

MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Leadership Communication Strategy

When preparing and implementing a plan, the leader establishes an adequate support network composed of those who support the program with an open mind and have many different experiences. The people who compose this group have an exceptional level of emotional intelligence. They feel calm and can provide expert guidance in difficult times (Miller 2019, 2019). The support system helps leaders understand problems in a fair way. If there is much stress, the situation can seem more complicated than it is.

My methods have assisted me in navigating a variety of challenging situations during my professional experience. One example is of a patient at a hospital that was closing. The patient was moved to our clinic. The patient was part of an unblinded study of breast cancer that is not curable. The study used the placebo or study drug with the FDA-acknowledged intramuscular injectable drug. When she was to have her following procedure, the date was fast approaching, but the facility we were working at was not receiving the necessary paperwork to start the procedure. 

The patient lived a mile away and worked full-time, making coordinating her treatment more difficult. The pharmacist who was accountable for the supplies for the study’s medications was able to destroy all the company’s medications. We have not had any patients for more than two months. The pharmaceutical firm’s department was created to ensure the drugs were sent to a store in California. They will then transport containers used for research to our facility in Florida to prepare for a tropical storm that was predicted to strike the region.

Developed Plan Action

I developed a plan of action to address the issues that arose from the situation. The strategy identified the most important people who must be involved in ensuring this transfer is smooth. Utilizing my systems in place for support, I gathered opinions on my strategy in order to collect all the necessary documentation, oversee the transfer of medications for research, write study documents, distribute information, and communicate with doctors. I set up transparent lines of communication with all the departments involved in making sure that patients and the medical staff were kept informed about the latest developments and delays. This made it easy for the patient to be moved to a location that did not affect their treatment.

Given the research regarding leadership, I must be sure to take a step back before I take any action. If I do this, I may transfer the nursing instruction to another person within my support network and give them a chance to contribute to achieving the aim (Sostrin 2017. ). The information I have gathered has influenced my choice to enhance my leadership abilities through delegation and strengthening my

awareness of myself when faced with unpredictable situations and events. In improving my skills, I can create connections inside and outside of my business that will benefit both parties and produce excellent outcomes (Miller 2019 and 2019. ).

Personal Leadership Brand Statement

To develop an individual brand identity for my leadership style that is reflective of my individuality and strengths, MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Leadership Communication Strategy considered experiences from findings of my STAR test and a personal review of my present circumstances as well as the results of the assessment of my emotional aptitude that I completed through the Global Leadership Foundation. These tests demonstrated my cooperation, communication accountability, and information-seeking abilities through the top outcomes of social awareness and the management’s emotionally intelligent quadrants.

My way of managing is cooperation, accountability, and collaboration. I am making sure I am proficient in forming a morally-minded team to fulfill our purpose of improving the lives of those we work with and generating profitable financial outcomes that can be reused to benefit the business. Smallwood and Ulrich (2007) think that the impact of a brand’s message depends on their clients’ needs.What do investors expect the business to evolve into? Therefore, my brand statements outline exactly what customers expect from a business whose goals, mission, and vision are focused on fostering healthy communities.

Personal Leadership Model

I can combine my leadership abilities with my ability to manage my emotions and brand to build a leadership system that aligns with my business’s strategies and core goals. T helps guide the growth of the business with tactics employed by leaders who have successfully guided highly efficient teams.

Leadership Strategies to Guide Effective Teams

A different option is to develop a strategy of action that includes clearly defined goals that can be achieved and have costs attached to their achievement (Leitch also, in the year 2016). The vision and objectives: The vision must reflect the company’s goals and targets and be communicated clearly to everyone (Doyle, in the year 2019).

One of the organization’s goals is to engage in dialogue with other people by using a transparent and straightforward method of communication that encourages collaboration. The process allows everyone to participate in decision-making and creates enthusiasm to achieve the objectives. Using the servant-leadership model, you can reveal the behavior required of the group members. Showing that everyone is a member of the same standards is a great example of trust and respect that are likely to develop. This can encourage those whom I am working with to set the highest quality standards that are compatible with the mission of the company in delivering the highest quality health care (Golhar (2018) in addition to du Plessis. du Plessis, and. (2015)).

It is then possible to use strategies for financial rewards or promotions. I can also recognize employees’ hard work and express appreciation for their efforts to enable employees to feel appreciated for what they are doing (Golhar, 2018 ).

Financial Forecasts Influence on Leadership Style

In a culture centered around the necessity of controlling costs and frequently defining the benchmark for the organization’s performance, managers cannot change how they would like due to the cost. To afford quality healthcare at a reasonable price, It is crucial to consider the financial impact of their policies and their effect on how the leadership uses them. An effective leader could require a value-based strategy for managing these situations. MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Leadership Communication Strategy could be a decrease in benefits or the addition of additional tasks to an already stretched workforce because of the limitations in budgets or projections. Reduced promotions or even removing incentive strategies to meet goals can be another consideration. 

Suppose it is necessary to make such a move. In that case, the model of scenario leadership helps managers be explicit and stay in close contact with their team members to ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the process and that the motivation of team members is not impacted (Golhar, 2018). Successful leaders can use various techniques to satisfy financial and interpersonal demands (Doyle, 2019). ).

A flexible and compassionate manner of leading allows me to grow to improve my abilities, skills, and mental IQ as well as the personality of my leadership so that they can reach their goal of becoming a well-known healthcare specialist and the fundamental qualities of an excellent both for the individual and group. By implementing a model of servant management, you establish the environment for care to the community’s residents and within the institution, which creates an environment that is highly productive and generates higher profits because of the confidence and devotion of staff members and patients (du Plessis and co.

(2015), as well as Trastek and his colleagues (2014). ). The approach goes beyond simple communications to employees about requirements. It illustrates the ways in which company policies can be incorporated into actions. A servant-leadership approach encourages ethical, professional, fair, and ethical behaviour (du Plessis and Co. in 2015).).

Leadership Style, Organizational Mission & Values, Professional & Personal Ethics

Through participative (democratic) leadership, I gained valuable insights from various stakeholders to bring cutting-edge technological solutions for healthcare that enhance the quality of life for patients and increase the quality of health medical care (Karyaningsih and others. 2020 ).> This type of leadership allows individuals directly affected by adjustments made to their work to influence how they make. This helps in establishing objectives that are more consistent and feasible for the company, which helps to prolong the lives of staff members and allows them to accept changes (Root 2019.).

Each has distinct characteristics, characterized by emotions-driven intelligence, vulnerability, and empathy, that make the ideal candidate for effective management (Doyle 2019 2019.). These represent the ethical standards that employees and people working in the health field must adhere to. The evidence is in the ethical guidelines for healthcare leaders, which require the concept of autonomy (democratic kind of leadership) as well as compassion (servant type of leadership) and the non-maleficence principle (servant type of leadership) in addition to the notion that justice is the only way to go (democratic and servant-leadership types) by Levitt, (2014).


To stay in the game, organizations must be able to adapt to a constantly changing and complex world that is influenced by external and internal influences. Organizations address the issue by focusing on their leaders. In this personal view of leadership, I concentrate on the essential leadership skills managers need, including the capacity to be emotionally intelligent. The discussion also covered methods for leading, which are based on evidence and knowledge, such as how to organize and organize. MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Leadership Communication Strategy assessed my leadership capabilities by looking at how I respond to stressful situations and identifying areas where I could improve.

I proposed a distinct branding for leadership that focuses on responsible collaboration. This produces people who are morally conscious so that they will be able to meet their objectives to improve the living standards that my organization offers. To meet the goals and expectations of the business of the business, I suggested an authentic and real-life management style, which included contextual and serving (democratic) methods to provide the most effective approach possible, which builds on my strengths as a leader and also my capabilities.


Center for Creative Leadership. (n.d.). Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness: Bringing out the best. Center for Creative Leadership. 


Center for Creative Leadership. (n.d.). The importance of empathy in the workplace. Center for Creative Leadership. 


Doyle, L. (2019, March 7). Leadership styles: The 5 most common & how to find your own.

Northeastern University. 


du Plessis, M., Wakelin, Z., & Nel, P. (2015). The influence of emotional intelligence and trust on servant leadership. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 41(1), 1–9.

Golhar, A. (2018, August 30). 8 tips for effective leadership. INC. 


Institute for Health and Human Potential. (n.d.). What is emotional intelligence? Institute for Health and Human Potential. 

Issah, M. (2018). Change leadership: The role of emotional intelligence. Sage Open. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2158244018800910

Karyaningsih, P., Amilia, A., Alam, A., Hariyati,S. (2021). The influence of the democratic leadership style and work discipline on employee performance. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3875146

Leitch, J., Lancefield, D., & Dawson, M. (2016, May 18). 10 principles of strategic leadership.

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