
MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Stakeholder Communications in Health Information

MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Stakeholder Communications in Health Information


MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Stakeholder Communications in Health Information across the entire institution is required to participate in determining the most important and crucial components in the IMC’s Health Information Systems. Based on research that is evidence-based only through setting the timeframe, as well as identifying key stakeholders as well as their opinions on how allocations affect them as well as training, for the time that the HIS provides details will the decision-making process to choose and establish the system work. I

t is because of this that we will be able to determine optimal methods of communication, making sure that everyone involved is updated on the latest changes and that they know about and are able to accept the positive outcomes. We treat our customers as well as everyone else in a respectful manner as we strive to become more attentive and sensitive to the requirements of the various communities.

Relevant Stakeholders Related to an Impact Analysis

Independence Medical Center CEO Norman Reynolds is focused on reducing the number of readmissions to patients in order to lower costs. “There are many reasons why a discharge can be inefficiently handled, but all discharges need to be done in a manner that minimizes the risk of readmissions in realistic, effective ways.” (Capella 2018). Gwendolyn Zimmer, Independence Medical Center’s Chief Operating Officer, is concerned about the loss incurred as a result of the latest HIS upgrade. She sees her choice to buy the facility for bariatrics as a choice that’s not possible with IT advances. “Adoption and the implementation of EHRs remains a major challenge. The implementation process requires significant amounts of resources and time, which is an average of $162,000 in the case of a five-physician clinic that includes 130 doctor hours and 600 hours of care team time focused on training and transferring.” (Olayiwola, Rubin, Slomoff, Woldeyesus, and Willard-Grace from 2016. ).> Matthew Wolfe’s issue is the ICD-10’s transition to the new ICD-10 code, which is what he calls

MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Stakeholder Communications in Health Information

The Director has only one priority in charge of Financial Services. He believes it’s crucial for the Director of Financial Services to have Independence Medical Center clinician support in writing claims, as well as revisions to rejected claims. The Director of Pharmacy, Aaron Johnson, wants to reduce the costs of prescription drugs as well as eliminate the poor management of medications that result in waste and expiration. Independence Medical Center has encountered numerous interactions that lead to using medications that are difficult to keep track of. Because the facility distributes a variety of medications and pharmaceuticals, it is difficult to be sure each medication is monitored and given to the proper patient so that it can be counted and billed properly.

Process Utilized for HIM System Recommendations

The Electronic Health Record System was extensively examined in order to identify ways to increase. Meaningful use of the EHR aims to ensure that the EHR system has been integrated to increase the standard of care provided to IMC patients. Presently, Independence Medical Center uses the Opus EHR system. It also includes CPOE, the electronic physician order entry, separate pharmacy and laboratory systems, and PACS, which is utilized to handle every digital image. One of the major issues is the inability to connect these systems, which causes many departments to have difficulties getting information. However, MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Stakeholder Communications in Health Information is possible to address this issue by implementing improved systems with better integration that enable imaging labs, pharmacies, and audiology and neurology laboratories to design tests and then send diagnostic details to specialists when needed. The medical center is run using processes that are based on methods to manage systems that block different departments from optimizing effectiveness.

MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Timeline for Recommended Implementation

Independence Medical Center will require six months to implement the suggestions concerning the EHR system fully. It will include the complete education of staff members on OPUS in addition to the systems. Systems will integrate to remove the absence of data and many errors that can be caused by errors. “One crucial factor is The majority of the issues relate to the procedure of implementation, which is developing specific personnel’s proficiency in consistency, reliability, and faithful use of a process” (Yuan, Bradley, and Nembhard (2015)). The training will be thorough for every person on the staff. It will also include checks to ensure that the medical center is updated and offers incentives to achieve goals and performance indicators.

Impact and Value of Relevant Stakeholders Analysis

Patricia Deering stated that the current system does not integrate smoothly with healthcare providers’ workflows, which has led to issues from the beginning. Studies suggest that EHR solutions could increase productivity. Diane St. John is of the opinion that readmissions need to be reduced. She says, “Readmissions can drain the bottom line of our business in a variety of ways, like the increase in negative scrutiny by private health insurance providers and patients. Numerous organizations who rank hospitals rely on readmissions rate as an important indicator of quality overall.” (Capella, 2018).

Best Practices to Overcome Barriers Analysis

We’ve maintained contact with different parties and IMC staff, and we’ve discovered methods to get over the hurdles in the integration of systems for the entire IMC personnel to aid the staff in maintaining the current medical records to ensure that patients receive the best care. Tracking all medications in order to limit or prevent the expiration date of drugs before they are used will aid in reducing overall costs. MHA FPX 5016 Assessment 3 Stakeholder Communications in Health Information for employees is crucial in order to make sure that the systems are properly utilized for optimal savings as well as efficient workflow. Along with the implementing process and training in areas that offer successful patient care, they can learn more about the medical conditions, diagnosis, and medical conditions in order to make use of their patient portal and reduce the number of hospitalizations. Independence Medical Centers values influence the lives of people by providing care for patients and family members whom we treat with compassion.


Adane, K. M. (2013, October 9). Processing medical information: a systematic study. Retrieved from Europe PMC: http://europepmc.org/article/MED/24107106

 Olayiwola, J. N., Rubin, A., Slomoff, T., Woldeyesus, T., & Willard-Grace, R. (2016). Strategies for Primary Care Stakeholders to Improve Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 29(1), 126-134. doi:10.3122/jabfm.2016.01.150212

 Villa Health: Value and Evidence-Based Recommendations. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2018, from https://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/MHA5016/VH_valueAndEvidenceBasedRecom emendations/transcript.asp

Yuan, C. T., Bradley, E. H., Bradley, E. H., and Nembhard, I. M. (2015). A mixed-method research study of how superusers of doctors influence their fellow users in the process of developing electronic medical documents.

 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making,15(1). doi:10.1186/s12911-015- 0154-6

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