Use this workbook along with the knowledge you have gained from the test, to evaluate the theories and evidence from the film Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growing of Love, that examines the unique scenario test. To complete this worksheet, you must go through all the elements of analysis, and then fill in the spaces beneath the components. PSYC FPX 2700 Assessment 1 Case Study Analysis worksheet contains notes in the margins which can assist you in determining what data will be required in each of the boxes. The worksheet will be due at the time of Assessment 1.
PSYC FPX 2700 Assessment 1 Case Study Analysis
Analysis Components:
Davidson, F., & Marvin, R. (2005). Mary Ainsworth:Attachment and the Growth of Love. Films on Demand. Davidson films. https://fod-infobase-, P., & Target, M. (2007). The Rooting of the Mind in the Body: New Links Between Attachment Theory and Psychoanalytic Thought. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 55(2), 411-456.
This is the principal objective of this study is:[State as accurately as possible the goal of research, which is to develop theories about the growth of children.The goal is to
The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship to the level of attention given to a particular behavior and the amount of attention (Davidson 2005). ).In particular, Mary Ainsworth discovered correlations between the attention that parents receive during infant years as well as in the latter stages of life (Davidson and Co. 2005). PSYC FPX 2700 Assessment 1 Case Study Analysis could be an opposition against the accepted view of the connection between children and their parents was simple. The theories of the time asserted that children develop desire to feel loved by their parent in the context of food as well as the closeness (Davidson 2005). ).Another study conducted by Ainsworth discovered that the emotional bonds that are formed at an early age can affect the way a child behaves and interactions with others in the future (Davidson 2005).
The perspective:[Identify the position or the point of view that the video is trying to follow. Which group, or whom that is being represented?
The principal theory proposed by (Davidson in the year 2005) is Attachment theory as it was researched through the eyes of Mary Ainsworth. This theory is based on the amount and quality of the care children receive while they are in the early phases of their growth. In addition to biographical information regarding the work of Mary Ainsworth, the directors sought to determine what the theories was developed. Attachment theory and its complexities are being studied at the future.
Its arguments (main arguments) within the video is:[Describe physical, social and
The outcomes from this study showed that caring for children in a positive manner starting at an early age may result in strong bonds for children as they grow older (Davidson (2005)). In one instance, Ainsworth discovered through study that the child’s caregiver immediately responded.
is the part that cognitive aspects of the development of children found.Cognitive aspects of the development of children identified.
and greater sensitivity as well as less crying at the age of one, and a child that cried less in the presence of a caregiver more reserved (Davidson and Co. 2005). Other tests examined children’s interactions with their primary caregivers and their capacity to relax by another person when their primary caregiver is gone.
Are you aware of any ideas?
Another theory with connections to the theories of Ainsworth as well as influenced the research of Ainsworth in certain areas. PSYC FPX 2700 Assessment 1 Case Study Analysis is Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory. Psychoanalytic theory is based on the belief that behaviour and attachment occurs by a series of stages throughout the development of children and is affected by the factors around them, such as the environment, as well as the choices made by other people (Fonagy 2007). It describes the process of development by describing it as a series of steps or hurdles that have to be overcome for the child to advance into the next stage (Fonagy 2007).Failure to progress to the next stage may slow down development, and can affect how an individual’s interactions with the world and also their interactions with others (Fonagy 2007).
There is a possibility of a link to the issue.
Study of a case?
(Summarize Cite, summarize and summarize [Summarize and Cite] at
at the very least there is a second hypothesis
to apply. Compare
Compare it to
Theoretical aspects of
Please provide your explanations. (Request an explanation.
HTML0Imagine that you were able to revive this research. What changes do you propose to make so you get better results?
I am of the opinion that more durations of review of observations will result in better outcomes. This is why I’m not sure outcomes will be different, but I am sure that you will get better results. In particular I’m interested in the study of children who lack these attachments can be repaired (if it’s feasible) under a range of scenarios, like the introduction of a positive
PSYC FPX 2700 Assessment 1 Case Study Analysis worksheet
focus, additional positive stimuli that attract attention, numerous attachments to non-attention, other positive stimuli and attachements to non
caregiver relations as well as the utilization of the use of a structured
Aspects that impact the way attachments are made with caregivers.