
NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Nurse Educator Philosophy Statement

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3

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Nurse Educator Philosophy Statement

In present day practice, these professional beliefs and values are a critical component of every nurse educator’s conceptual or practical teaching framework; a formal or written statement of her/his value propositions is expected. In Bailey’s (2020) words, whenever people are in a quandary, their experiences affect their philosophy which in turn impacts their perceptions and actions. Hence, when it comes to decision-making in relation to teaching, curriculum developments and other Learner support forums it is only wise to fashion a reasonable statement anchored on Educational Theory. NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 teachers in the field of nursing have the complex task of preparing for next generation of nurses and to do so, need to incorporate the principles of andragogy that focus on the learner. The nurse educator philosophy entails the principles of scholarship that address meaningful learning.

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Application of MSN Education and Knowledge

By the focus in my Master of Science in Nursing degree, I am adequately prepared to provided for the rising demand of baccalaureate-educated nurses who would help to lead change across complex healthcare organizations. I have educational theory knowledge and curriculum development experience and I would like to apply this knowledge towards the development of a NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 ABSN program, at a small liberal arts university with the primary aim of launching a nursing concentration. Regarding the breakthrough scarcity of nurses all across the nation, this accelerated second degree program is to reduce the time needed for students having a bachelor’s degree in other fields other than nursing to become registered nurses (Colomer et al. , 2020). All instructions I will provide in the classroom will factor the core MSN competencies of learner-centered and evidence-based teachings. In addition, my strengths in program building shall fetch me the ability to come up with a competitive course structure that features mock learning and early clinical engagements.

Formulation of Philosophy Statement

Meeting developmental needs of different nursing students the world view that I hold as a nurse educator is learner centered evidence based practices. Understanding how concepts will be used in actual clinical environments helps adult-learners, as found by French et al. (2020). Dziubaniuk and Nyholm (2020) have also expressed support for the notion of constructivist methods to facilitate active learning in virtual classrooms since more thinking and arguing and practicing can be done. It may serve as the significant foundation for the construction of clinical reasoning and leadership skills.

Click here to get: NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 despite keeping high security measures, I have to create an atmosphere that would make the students interested in asking questions and consequently developing their learning goals. ANA’s standards of the Code of Ethics executive publication (American Nurses Association, 2024) outlines the ethical conduct among nurses. There are hopes to create the caring scholars with the research, reflection and collaborative practice skills in order to achieve better patient outcomes. This shifts with my attitude to fit the literature’s call for innovative teaching practices that empower students to compete effectively in continuingly evolving health care markets.

Application of Philosophy Statement to Tripartite Roles

Hearing John refining ideas about educational gereration, I know I work within adult learning frameworks, which regard the backgrounds and interests of ‘adult students’. As part of an andragogical perspective, I shall first set the objectives in collaboration with the learners, which will assist them in acquiring the necessary knowledge needed for improved performance in their profession. I would like to design my lectures in such a manner that students would not be afraid to ask questions or receive a raw honestly delivered answer. Through the active learning approaches such as case and simulation, as well as reflective journal writing, learners will be able to create new meanings of nursing ideas in context (Colomer et al. , 2020). The focus will be put on analysis skills, critical thinking, as well as skills to make ethical decisions. Teachers have a necessary part in developing an enthusiastic, evidence based abolishment mentality in the nurse A&P which extends past the deliverance of information.

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Educational Innovation

 Therefore, educational innovation and the development of leaders from a nursing school perspective are the major emphases of my interests. In doing practice-based research, my target is identify such teaching techniques that should be able to modify to new conditions and assist the learner to become more competent. For that purpose, I wish to apply for funds for research and studies in education, write papers for academic journals, and participate in conferences (Arikan et al. , 2022). Such scholarly activities will enhance the quality of my teaching and the course content that I will be delivering.

 Finally, I am actively engaged in the preparation of departmental, university, and community policies and programs concerning the education of nurses. Perhaps, I might contribute to the change in our programs or the discipline in orientation to suit the modern society’s healthcare needs and the future one as part of the advisory boards or committees (Hakkola et al. , 2021). Maintaining students’ high academic performance, as well as, enhancing local and international nursing education are the objectives of the scholarly and service efforts.

Significant Historical Events Role

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 closely related to socioeconomic and medical transformations in the past century, there exist drastic shifts in the education of nurses. The old-style apprenticeship training in hospitals was replaced by formal university training stressing on class work and research as the field became professional owing to the increasing pile of information (Looman et al. , 2022). Furthermore, community colleges were enlisted and curricula acceleration to address acute nurse deficiencies that led to mass expansion of the workforce. Therefore, the scope of work that falls under the nursing profession has expanded considerably with the extent of our understanding about what may affect the health of the population.

Looking for FPX 6013 all assessment click here to get his first assessment:  NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 1 History of Nursing Education

Today, the nurse educators have even greater challenges before them, as they are expected to produce the qualifed students to meet the diverse roles in the field of nursing practice at the agencies and in the hospitals. More programs for the Transition to Bachelor of Science in Nursing for registered nurses lately have been developed in response to the 80% requirement for registered nurses with a Baccalaureate from the Future of Nursing report (2021) of the National Academy of Medicine. To prepare oneself for the future, nurse educators should be able to see the coming years as a challenge and be part of enhancing the nursing profession through development of a sound and innovative curriculum since the field is growing and is becoming distinctive in identifying new fields of practice and leadership roles.

Nurse Educator Competencies

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3  Educators in the field of nursing should possess the following qualities, as outlined by the National League for Nursing: The attributes that are most important in a teacher are knowledge and skills acquired through years of practice, understanding of the assessing instruments, and the desire to continue to learn. However, as noted by Teunissen et al. (2021) teachers have to switch to another strategy depending on the conditions of their practice domain. In my experience, baccalaureate-level nurse educators must possess the following skills: the opportunity of enabling learning, às well as clinical learning, possessing leadership skills, and teaching based on evidence. Specifically, for the active learning methods to be effective the scaffolds have to be sensitive for allowing the learners to build their independence and clinical judgment in due course. Maintaining currency in one’s specialized knowledge and advanced practice skills is also imperative for assisting students during specialist practicals.

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Model Murse Educators

 Special attention should be paid to the fact that as role models nurse educators should identify problems and solve them systematically collaborating with members of the team from different disciplines. Through integrating the findings in health related research as well as health care practice in teaching, the students will be prepared to spearhead change in healthcare on the base of the new health sciences. My teaching aims at achieving the construct or producing the graduates, the kind of students that can maneuver themselves in the current challenging health care systems (Budiman et al. , 2021). Thus, during my career development, I want to improve the aforementioned competences that are required and, at the same time, useful skills. It can be argued that improvements in fulfilling practices and teaching and learning could be achieved by nurse educators, who enhance such competencies as leadership and research.


Because my students’ developmental needs vary due to their nursing programs, I construct my teaching as a nurse educator using research-based, student-centered principles. As I advocate for effective teaching and learning environment within the health sectors based on principles of adult learning, my aspiration is to foster caring, inquisitive, and scholar-practitioners ready to work in dynamic health sectors. Graduates are ready to lead advances in health care because through my approach, which translates concepts such as compassion, professionalism, analysis, and administration into education, scholarship, and service. Thus, through my participation in this course, I would like to readjust my approach and skills to address the recent advancements in the sphere of nursing practice and preparation.


American Nurses Association. (2024). American Nurses Association. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/ana/

Arikan, S., Dochy, F., & Segers, M. (2022). A review of studies. Creative Education, 13(09), 2994–3025. https://doi.org/10.4236/ce.2022.139190

Bailey, R. (2020). Sport in Society, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2020.1777104

Budiman, A., Samani, M., Rusijono, Setyawan, W. H., & Nurdyansyah. (2021). International Journal of Higher Education, 10(2), 15–26. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1285597

Sustainability, 12(9), 3827. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093827

Dziubaniuk, O., & Nyholm, M. (2020). International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijshe-02-2020-0081

NeoReviews, 21(3), 150–156. https://doi.org/10.1542/neo.21-3-e150

Hakkola, L., Ruben, M. A., McDonnell, C., Herakova, L. L., Buchanan, R., & Robbie, K. (2021). Innovative Higher Education, 46(4), 393–410. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10755-020-09540-8

Looman, N., Jacqueline de Graaf, Thoonen, B., Dieneke van Asselt, Esther de Groot, Kramer, A., Nynke Scherpbier, & Fluit, C. (2022). Medical Education, 56(10), 1017–1031. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.14868

National Academy of Medicine. (2021). National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25982. Medical Education, 55(9), 1100–1109. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.14517

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